1 reviews (1/5) and information for Charles William Whiting, Chelmsford
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, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0HY
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11/11/11 - Reviewed by Anonymous
This outcome was reached by SRA decision.
Decision details
An Adjudicator DECIDED to impose the following immediate conditions on Mr Whiting's practising certificate for 2010/2011 that
1. Mr Whiting must deliver half-yearly accountant's reports, such reports to be delivered within 2 months of the end of the accounting period to which they relate; and
2. Mr Whiting must attend a course accredited by the SRA on the Solicitors' Accounts Rules within 3 months of the date of notification of this decision and provide confirmation of his attendance in the form of a certificate or letter of attendance from the course provider within 4 months of notification of this decision.
Mr Whiting is subject to Regulation 3.1 (b) of the SRA Practising Regulations 2009. In light of his present circumstances the Adjuidcator was satisfied that additional regulatory controls are necessary. Having considered the purposes for which conditions may be imposed on a practising certificate set out in Regulation 6 of those Regulations, the Adjudicator was satisfied that the conditions they imposed are necessary in the public interest and are reasonable and proportionate.
More information found here: http://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/solicitor-check/126190.article?Decision-1
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