Conveyancing for Beginners - Some Important Tips

Young family moving into new home

Conveyancing is Probably the main reason for clients to approach solicitors. What minimal levels of service should you expect to receive from your solicitor during such a transaction? This article will offer help in this regard.

For many people, their first and possibly only experience with a solicitor is going to be when they buy or sell property. These transactions are known in legal terms as conveyancing.

When you consider the fact that you will usually part with several hundred pounds, where conveyancing transactions are concerned, you may be surprised to learn that solicitors really do not need to do that much to earn your money. In actual fact, many firms of solicitors will literally cram clients onto their books, in the hope that the majority of the cases will run through very smoothly.

Alas, when it comes to buying or selling property; and I am able to reflect upon my own past experiences here, such transactions rarely run smoothly. You see, it is not just your solicitor that you have to contend with, but the person’s that you are buying from or selling to as well. If you are caught up in a property chain - batten down the hatches my friends, as you will have to deal with many different solicitors. This can be a recipe for disaster and if one client (or more often their solicitor) decides to become pedantic - you’re in big trouble.

When you are looking for a good conveyancing solicitor, it is always a good idea to approach several firms before you make your choice. Conveniently and especially if you live in a more isolated area, this solicitor does not have to be based in your neck of the woods. Indeed, I have tended to find the best deals and service from using solicitors in completely different regions.

Sound the firm out and ascertain their standard practices where communication is concerned. Most importantly, you need to find a solicitor who is willing to provide you with regular updates; one who will ring you each and every time an issue arises. Trust me, this is easier said than done when it comes to conveyancing.

During the conveyancing transaction, the solicitor will be responsible for dealing with the Land Registry and Local Authority. They will prepare inventories and complete the main contract for the relevant sale or purchase of property. Sometimes, there are a number of other issues that may become relevant. For example, searches may be required to ascertain whether or not a property is at risk from mining work that has been carried out in the area. Radon gas levels are also going to have to be measured, to ensure they are within safe limits. Even ecclesiastical laws; which are very outdated and oh so very annoying, may rear their very ugly head.

Land law is one of the most complicated areas of the legal system and this is probably why most law degree courses save this horrible area until last. You will always require the service of a solicitor when you buy or sell property; it is up to you to do your homework and try to ensure that your representation is the best it can possibly be. Alas though, you cannot always bank on what other people’s solicitors are going to be like, further along a chain.

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