Making a Whiplash Claim

A whiplash neck injury is caused by a sudden jerking or hyperextension of the neck most commonly due to a rear-end collision in an automobile. It has been a very controversial topic in the medico-legal field as the manifestations of the injury do not immediately appear. Most symptoms, if not all, are internal and appear in latency so it may be that by the time a victim of a rear-end car collision suffers a headache, neck stiffness, shoulder pain, and blurring of vision-which are some of the more common symptoms-a general practitioner has already proclaimed the diagnosis something so much less serious than a whiplash neck injury. The victim fails to make a whiplash claim because of this, though it would have been very helpful in compensating for the impending general discomforts he is still about to experience. Other victims entirely do not make a claim because they fear the process is costly and complicated. This is a big mistake. If you suffer a whiplash neck injury because of an accident which isn’t your fault, making a claim for compensation is much recommended.
If you are ever involved in such an accident, the first step you need to take is note down the witnesses to the accident-their names, addresses, and contact information. They may be other car drivers or mere bystanders; they should be able to help in verifying your statement both for the police and for your potential whiplash claim. With all our modern technology nowadays it would be very easy to just whip out a digital camera or mobile phone and take snapshots of the scene of the accident as well. Cover all the vital points of the accident from multiple angles including even the surroundings of the damaged vehicle so as not to miss even any skid marks. These photos, along with your witnesses, will be extremely helpful in preserving the evidence of what exactly had occurred.
Aside from the paramedics, you must also call the police as required by law in case of any injury to those involved. This is particularly important in a hit-and-run accident because notifying the police early increases their chances of still being able to track down the driver.
Keep any and all receipts of expenses related to the accident, like a bus or taxi ride from the scene of the accident or medical treatment. You may be able to get reimbursement for these expenses when you make your claim.
Lastly, and most importantly, get in touch with a personal injury solicitor to help you, preferably a specialist in the accident area covering your case because they can provide better and more appropriate advice. No-win, no-fee solicitors are recommended too so there will be no need to worry about legal costs.
Hopefully with these pieces of advice, making a whiplash claim should happen smoothly and hassle-free. What’s better, the chances of success will dramatically improve. Making a claim for compensation would not make up for the accident involvement itself but it will assist you, at the least, in getting on with your life.
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