
Steering a Personal Injury firm through the Covid 19 lockdown
(Posted on 02/09/20)Lockdown life started a little earlier at Mooneerams solicitors than the official March 23rd date set by the government. On the 17th March one of our members declared that he wasn’t feeling well and in accordance with the prevailing advice at the time, decided that he should self-isolate.Without further ado, the management of our boutique Cardiff...

The calm after the storm: How to help children reintegrate back into the world post lockdown.
(Posted on 19/08/20)Luisa Williams, CEO & Founder from My Family Psychologist joins us on the blog with her advice on how to help children reintegrate back into the world post lockdown. There is no denying the impact that Covid-19 has had across the nation but it has particularly affected our children. From talking to parents and...

The lockdown effect: how have relationships coped
(Posted on 19/08/20)How have relationships coped in lockdown: Over the last few months during the UK lockdown, many relationships have been tested in ways most couples have not experienced before.Couples have had to navigate their relationship challenges intensified by the lockdown, for example fast-tracking a move in together or being apart for months.In the early...

Especially for the users of - A Joint/Mirror Will and Four Lasting Powers of Attorney for just £799.95
(Posted on 11/06/20)Integrity Wills - There When You Need UsNobody likes to think about getting old and possibly losing mental capacity.However, an LPA can be thought of in a similar way to an insurance policy. You insure your house, your car, your pets, your children and your life – a Lasting Power of Attorney is very similar to taking out an insurance policy to...

Divorcing during the Coronavirus Pandemic? Read this….
(Posted on 05/06/20)Will divorce rates rise after lockdown?Specialist family lawyer, Sarah Jane Lenihan, Partner at the Stowe Family Law office in London shared her thoughts today on TalkRadio regarding divorce rates rising post-COVID-19 lockdown.If I had a pound every time someone asked me if I thought there would be a surge in divorce post lockdown, I would be a very...
Tips to help your relationship survive self-isolation
(Posted on 01/04/20)Sarah Jane Lenihan, experienced family lawyer and Partner at Stowe Family Law in London joins us on the blog to share her tips to help your relationship survive self-isolation.I have noticed in my social feeds this week a number of articles suggesting that divorce lawyer folk are looking forward to cash in on the fall out from self-isolation. ...
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