
Do I need a solicitor to move home?

Do I need a solicitor to move home?

(Posted on 15/04/19)

The burning question that movers have when buying or selling their home currently is how they can proceed safely and quickly without incurring large fees in the process. Can I do this myself?Although it is possible to handle some minor aspects the conveyancing process yourself, it is sensible to have the transaction should be carried out by a...

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We have published some SRA disciplinary and Legal Ombudsman records

(Posted on 03/04/19)

I started this website in 2007 after I received a shocking service from a solicitor (Who has since been closed down followed by a very large bill. Ever since I have been calling for more transparency within the legal industry. It is for this reason that I made the decision to publish available SRA and...

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UK Law firms are using legal standing to have poor online reviews removed

(Posted on 03/04/19)

Solicitors are using their legal clout to threaten legal review sites into removing reviews they deem to be negative.Legal review sites in the UK are a blossoming business with ours alone having already nearly 19,000 reviews. Our trip advisor style reviews operate as part of a unique platform containing information about compliance breaches...

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Legal marketing is adapting to meet the challenge of review websites

(Posted on 11/03/19)

Learning from the revolution in the service industry brought about by Trip Advisor and its ilk, legal review websites are empowering consumers to make decisions based on transparency and real-life information sharing. Too often in the past legal firms have ignored the potential damaging effect this can have, but also the opportunity they offer to promote...

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Solicitor disciplinary and Legal Ombudsman records published together for first time

(Posted on 07/03/19)

Consumer failings Consumer champions’ calls for transparency within the legal industry have been answered by a legal reviews website. SRA and Legal Ombudsman law firm compliance breeches together with customer reviews have been published for the first time in a way that enables consumers to access the data in an easily accessible format all...

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Why asset searching could transform estate administration & probate

Why asset searching could transform estate administration & probate

(Posted on 14/08/18)

Financial asset searching may be niche, but it is an important element of the probate industry.Money Saving Expert recognises that the UK has up to £15 billion in unclaimed financial assets, whilst figures from the Office for National Statistics indicate that there are 500,000 deaths on average each year in the UK. Deceased financial estates...

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